NRG Well-positions Affiliated Scholars to Compete for the Most Elite Federal Funding Opportunities!

May 14 2024

NRG’s NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) convened a webinar to educate scholars on developing and executing R01-funded research in the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (April 11th, 2024). NRG tailored the webinar to mid-career investigators experienced in executing single-site effectiveness studies; webinar-enhanced expertise and subsequent “R level” funding will permit more comprehensive intervention assessment in an expansive and diverse cadre of community sites. The webinar featured NRG’s most successful scholars counseling investigators in the most nuanced approaches to R01 submission uniquely tailored to address community oncology practice needs.

Dr. Lisa Kachnic (NRG-NCORP Associate PI) introduced, Drs. Bauman and Cooley to discuss Cancer Prevention and Control (CPC) and Cancer Care Delivery Research (CCDR) priorities. This information encouraged an investigator/research priority concordance essential for subsequent R01 funding application endorsement. Dr. Kachnic subsequently moderated presentations from nationally renowned NRG-affiliated scholars sharing their tips for success. Dr. Tracy Crane (Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center-University of Miami) articulated the research preparation and review process. Dr. Diane Van Ah (The Ohio State University) provided a sound case study attendees could model, per her NRG-affiliated R01, “NRG-CC011, Cognitive Training for Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Multi-Centered Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial”. Dr. Alla Sikorskii (Michigan State University) discussed the pre-submission collaborations necessary to secure cancer care delivery research application success. Dr. Patricia Ganz (University of California at Los Angeles), particularly informed a panel discussion synthesizing insights that will undoubtedly direct attendees toward R01 funding success. The platform also allowed for bi-directional engagement of one of NRG’s patient advocates, Ms. Tambre Leighn. Her observations encouraged patient-centered considerations in application development.

The webinar showcases NRG’s host of accomplished and generous scholars, dutifully committed to encouraging career success and cancer care innovation. The webinar affirms “value added” for sustained patient and researcher engagement in NRG Oncology.

Watch the webinar ( Passcode: *?7c+Guh )

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