Serum Bank samples transition
Please note that the NRG Oncology Serum Bank at Baylor College of Medicine will be transitioning NRG samples to NRG Biobank Pittsburgh (PGH). The samples collected and kit requests associated with NRG
Breast and Colon treatment trials and CC005 (FORTE) will be managed through NRG
Biobank PGH. As of May 6, 2024, sites can begin shipping blood samples to the
address below.
NSABP Division of Pathology
NRG Oncology Biospecimen Bank-Pittsburgh
100 South Commons, Suite 120
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Discard any pre-printed air bills with the Baylor
address and request an updated Fed Ex air bill from NRG Oncology Biobank
Pittsburgh. Do not use the Baylor Serum Bank Fed Ex account,
shipments marked as “bill recipient” or using the NRG Oncology Serum Bank at
Baylor College of Medicine account number may be rejected and returned to
Please contact with any questions.
Phone: 412-697-6611
NRG Biobank Pittsburgh (PGH) Relocation
New address, as of February 1, 2024:
NSABP Division of Pathology / NRG Oncology Biospecimen Bank Pittsburgh
100 South Commons, Suite 120
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Message from BB Pittsburgh: Please check to be sure that the email address is not blocked at your site. Biobank staff have experienced some issues with sending emails to sites. Therefore, to ensure receipt of emails from this address at your site, contact your local IT Department and make sure the email address is whitelisted.